iFive Alliances

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2014 Deliberate Incrementalism – The Key To Good Strategy Implementation

"Volatile environments can be dangerous environments. Volatility can snap the necks and break the backs of those who presume to boldly shove a straight path through it. [Instead] Volatile environments demand flexibility — a willingness to go right, then left; to stop, retreat and start over again….In volatile environments, what worked yesterday may not work today, but might work again tomorrow. The path through a volatile environment is made of zigs and zags, of branching experimentation."

The ALO advocates a "crawl, walk, run, drive, fly, orbit" approach to "deliberate incrementalism." How do we deploy this? What hinders the deployment?

2015 Washington State To Move Medicaid Addiction Treatment To Managed Ca...

"The Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) is preparing to integrate Medicaid mental health and addiction treatment services into its physical health managed care plans by 2020."

The medical community recognizes a correlation and therefore a need for integration of mental and physical health.

Our community focuses on the mental aspects of the learner. What are the physical aspects? Where would you include the following aspects? Might these impact learning results?

  • Management style of immediate manager
  • Relationships with peers
  • Factors outside of work (e.g. family and comnunity)
  • Demographic factors

2016 Finding & Developing Your Next Big Thing

  1. "The process of developing that “future vision.”
  2. Incorporating that future vision into your strategy development process.
  3. Planning for the unknown using scenario-based planning.
  4. Selecting new service lines for investment – and the process of developing and launching those service lines.
  5. Estimating the scale that your organization needs – and the financial resources to make that scale a reality.
  6. Effective implementation of your strategy to achieve your organization’s market positioning of the future."

Is this best done from top to down? From inside to outside? A blend? Does L&D help others internally with this? Who helps us? Are we empowered to change ourselves?

2017 Strategy In The I/DD Market

"For much of my career, the intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) support services market was not affected by many of the environmental drivers affecting the rest of the field. But in the past five years, we’ve seen that change."

What environmental factors might be changing the way people learn in the workplace? What changes are we making that reflect these factors? Are there changes that we are not responding to? Why? - or why not?

2018 A Traditional Market Remade—New Investments & New Competition I...

'Behavioral health is “hot” with private investors. Investors are voting with their money"

  1. Digital medication management.
  2. Advanced analytics for population health management.
  3. Video game treatment for cognitive conditions.
  4. Next generation telehealth.
  • Are we interested in having private investors in our space?
  • What areas would you like to see these investments made?
  • How might we impact those investment decisions?

2019 Keeping On Top Of Innovations In Corrections Reentry Programs

Is there any correlation between the way a person performs in one job and the way they are likely to perform in the next or future jobs? If there is - and patterns are detected - do we do anything to help them? Are we restricted from doing so? Would you want to know if it were you?

Here is what prisons are paying attention to:

  1. "Employment
  2. Incarceration reduction
  3. Supportive housing and community supports
  4. Gender-specific programming"

Might we consider:

  1. Moving people to jobs they can be successful with - intentionally - even if outside of our company?
  2. Reducing the use of PIP - which tend to be burdensome and confrontational for the employee and employer
  3. Identifying outside of work factors which are likely to persist
  4. Career related (re)programming - with an innovative business model to sustain it

What might be unintended consequences of these ideas?

2020 HHS Expands Eligibility For The Phase 2 Medicaid & CHIP Provide...

What is the industry accepted standard for training ROI?

2021 The I/DD Waterfall

How might we apply a Crawl, Walk, Run (Drive, Fly, Orbit) approach to performance improvement? How might this apply to leadership development? How can we be sure that the orbit is the right orbit?

2022 From Crisis To Transformation

Is it practical to expect that a transformation will occur effectively without a crisis? Do we have to invent one or leverage one in order to assure a transformation?

2023 Primary Care Payment Evolves

How might we re-imagine how we education is funded?

Who funds learning?

Who funds performing?

Who is responsible if learning or performing do not occur?

2024 The Disability Penalty

What might happen if incentives cause us to create more demand for our ability to serve those who respond?

How much of what we spend to serve those who respond might we spend to make sure the incentive applies?

What if we offered the incentive to everyone?

What if we offered it to no one?

Would an honor system work?


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