iFive Alliances

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2014 From Strategic Planning To Tech Strategy

How do we assure that we remain open to understanding how new technologies provide options for improving our execution of our strategy?

2015 When Choosing Treatment Technologies, Leverage The Low-Cost Options

With the experience of technology moving in a direction of lower cost and higher functionality - how do you decide when and how to adopt new technology?

2016 Medicaid MCO In Your State? There May Be An APM In Your Future

What does it take to move from cost driven to quality driven?

2017 The Push For Value-Based Reimbursement From State Medicaid Plans

As a consumer of learning would you be willing to require your provider to offer APM's (alternate payment models?)

What concerns would you have?

  • Would paying less for less than expected outcomes be acceptable to you?
  • Would you be willing to pay more for better than expected outcomes?
  • Would you be willing to just get what you expected and let incremental value be bypassed in order to limit cost?

2018 What Does It Take To Outlast The Disruptors?

Apparently the advice is - you cannot beat them - so join them? What do you think?

2019 Do It Now!

The article describes the dilemma – should I be the leader or should I make sure that I am not the laggard? (growth vs. survival?)

What is your preference - Being a leader - or - not being a laggard? How are you doing your choice?

2020 Leadership Matters, Now More Than Ever: The Best Of The 2020 OPEN M...

When it comes to leadership development are we:

  • Re-introducing wheels
  • Re-inventing wheels
  • Improving wheels
  • Abandoning wheels?

2021 UnitedHealthcare To Launch NavigateNOW, A New Virtual-First Employe...

How might we reduce the cost of training while increasing the value for the learner?

2022 Primary Care Down, Behavioral Care Up

What measures are available to us that will allow us to determine if mandatory training is reducing the costs associated with performance improvement initiatives?

2023 The M&A Data Challenge

What is data?

What is the strategy for how to use data?

What might go wrong even if we had 100% accurate data?

What can we do if we had to make a decision and reliable data was not available?

2024 Navigating AI Innovation

How will AI impact your job, your industry, and your life?

What do you hope it will increase for you?

  1. Ethics
  2. Competition
  3. Income/Expenses
  4. Regulation

What will it increase for you?


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