iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2014 Where Are We With Telehealth? Does The Snapshot Tell The Story?

How are we integrating with operating processes? Do we want to?

2015 California Child Welfare Continuum Of Care Reform Begins January 2016

What common practices in our industry hinder our ability to innovate for the creation of value?

2016 For Non-Profits, M&A Activities Have Different Standards For Su...

How do we assure ROI as a non-profit center and avoid the assorted stakeholder perspectives?

2017 EHRs & Satisfaction—Of Both Consumers & Clinical Professionals

What direction would you like to see learning take with its investments in technology?

2018 For I/DD Services, Answering The Value Questions

“You are either at the table or you’re on the menu.”

2019 Engaging Consumers Was The Topic Of The Week

Where are we investing our resources related to the value we provide - before, during or after the training?

2020 CMS Approves Georgia’s Partial Medicaid Expansion With Work Require...

What is the relationship between knowledge and effort?

2021 The $400 Billion Opportunity

If you had access to $400 Billion - what problem would you solve?

How about only a $100 Million?

What problem do you want to solve independent of how much money you had access to?

How could you solve it for $0?

2022 From Data To Better Performance

Would you know how well you were performing if you did not have access to data that proved it?

Is data ever wrong? or misleading?

What do you do when you believe one way and the "data" does not align with your belief?

How do we use data (or not use data intentionally) to help learners learn best?

2023 From Burnout To Meaning

What is the purpose of discomfort?

How do we determine the source of the discomfort?

What is more important - removing the discomfort or correctly determining the source?

How and when can we do this effectively?

What is an example of where we do this well? How about not so well? Why - in either instance?

2024 Leaning Into The Social

How do we learn to be a good:

  • Client
  • Patient
  • Neighbor
  • Citizen
  • Parent
  • Child
  • Spouse
  • Relative
  • Friend

Which of these are you the best at? the worst? What are you willing to learn from yourself?


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