iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2015 Oregon Medicaid To Link Rates For Mental Health Adult Foster Care T...

What would person-centered learning look like in a corporate setting?

Would it be based on the person's interests or the department or the corporation?

Would it be integrated across employers?

How could an ROI be associated with it?

2016 CCBHCs Are Moving Forward – What This Means If Your State Isn’t Mov...

Would our industry benefit from a meaningful certification of programs (not people?) What would the criteria be? How would objectivity be assured?

2017 The Virtual Assistants & Avatars Among Us

What uses of augmented intelligence will we adopt or innovate? How will these investments be justified? validated?

2018 Health System/Insurer Combos Gain Steam—& More To Come With ACO...

"For specialty provider organizations, this raises great opportunities and presents some tremendous market threats, depending on what consumers the organization serves and what geographic markets the organization is located in. The health system/health plan collaborations represent “uber integration.” Integration of services—both vertical and horizontal—combined with fiscal integration. For most specialty organizations, I think the emerging available market positioning falls into two areas – “whole person” care coordination and/or providing admission diversion/readmission prevention for high-need chronic and complex populations."

What impact would it have to our industry if the "headlines of the day" focused on our problems? What would those headlines be?

2020 COVID-19 Stimulus Bill Provides $900 Billion In Relief; $4.25 Billi...

How might reducing the cost of access to education reduce or eliminate failure to perform well on the job?

What might reduce or eliminate failure to perform well on the job?

2021 The “Ideal” Health Home?

What is the ideal learning home?

What is the ideal teaching home?

Are they the same?

2022 Solutions Instead Of Services

Which is worth more? Which costs more to provide? Which one is easier to scale? How are they differentiated from each other? Might the provider and the consumer disagree?

2023 The Just-In-Time Imperative

What is the right time to do something?

When is it the right time to determine if the answer to the first question is correct?

Are the things for which there is not a right time - and yet something must be done?

2024 What’s Your 2025 Plan?

What is a plan?

What is the purpose of a plan?

Who determines whether the plan is meeting its purpose?

What are the risks of keeping a plan a "secret?" What are the rewards?


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