iFive Alliances

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2014 You Have To Take Something Out, To Put Something In


From a learning approach - are we at risk of preparing someone to perform in an environment that is not prepared to support their new performance? In particular - the management environment. How do we assure that our organization is responding to needs expressed by our clients to our front line employees?

The vexing nature of this problem is that we have been asserting for decades (at least) that we are customer-centric and employee-centric? How can we acknowledge a need to change without admitting we had failed to be customer and employee-centric?

Do we need to be learner-centric? Are we? Are you sure?

2015 We’re Way Past The Jetsons

  • Where would we be open to "performance robots?"
  • Could they become a personal coach?
  • Could they deliver performance reviews on demand?
  • Could they sell?
  • Might they perform the duties of an instructor?

2016 Investing In Treatment Tech – Aligning Strategy With New Technology...

When electricity was new - companies generated their own - for competitive advantage.

Eventually electricity became available to all as the costs for creating it became lower - and hence the ability to self-generate became less of a competitive advantage - and economic development soared.

Might we envision the day when investments in learning become available to everyone? What would hinder this? What would accelerate it?

2017 Understand Your Data, Make Decisions Quickly & Fail Fast

What is our role in assuring we are collecting and distributing optimal data for ourselves and our enterprise and our clients?

2018 Molina Healthcare Sells Pathways Health To Atar Capital

Why would a private investment firm acquire a health services provider?

Why would a private investment firm acquire a learning services provider (like a university?)

2019 Do These 6 Things Online To Ensure Consumers Find You

How do you ensure the right consumers find you at the right time in the right way?

Is there a wrong way to be found?

2020 To Pay, Or Not To Pay, The Non-Profit Board

What is the purpose of monetary compensation? What motivates one to learn?

2021 The Times Have Changed. So Have Our EHR Concerns.

What is on your LMS wish list? What is on the employee's LMS wish list?

2022 The Wearable: Case Manager Of The Future

How might a wearable improve your performance? What difference would it make if the information were only available to the person wearing the device?

2024 The Differential Is In The Data

When does data matter?

What matters more than data?

What do you want to matter more?


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