iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

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2014 The Future Of ACOs Looks Bundled

What are the costs associated with billing, collecting and differentiating "equivalent" services? Does bundling save time and money for both the provider and the consumer? How might we bundle our services?

2015 Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

"Accusations and punishment should not be one and the same."

What judgments might we rush to when it comes to factors related to performance improvement? Have we correlated participation and test results to behaviors and outcomes? Every time? Anecdotally? Infrequently?

2016 New Market Factors Shape Success Serving The Dual Eligible Population

What channels of services are available to our employees? What are there benefits associated with coordinating these channels?

2017 Financing Innovation & Business Development Amidst The Mergers

How might one avoid delays in pursuing new opportunity in the midst of a major change?

2018 Moving Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The VBR Technology Continuum

What would you require from technology so that it would support VBR?

2019 West Virginia Awards Aetna Better Health 3.5-Year $200 Million MCO ...

How do we objectively determine what to insource and what to outsource?

2020 COVID: Nine Months Later, Where Is Behavioral Health In PPE, Testin...

How are we determining how well we are responding to the priorities of our employees and clients? How are we preparing leaders to lead amidst conflicting priorities?

2021 Democratizing Charity

Why do non-profits exist?
Why are they called non-profit?

Why is it important to examine both sides of a coin?

2022 The Data-Driven Path To Better Performance

What if:

  1. We provided the data to the performer
  2. We prepared the performer on how to use the data
  3. We held the learner accountable

Think "bathroom scale!"

2024 Florida Releases Children’s Medical Services Program ITN

What risks would occur if the responsibility for an employee's performance improvement were outsourced?

What benefits would occur if an employee was being helped by an organization that had access to all of their performance information independent of any employer?

How would the costs be covered?

Who would carry the burden?

Would insurance be available to cover the risk?


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