Your Revenue Driver
2025 The Changing Medicaid Landscape: Winners & Opportunities
2024 The Chronic Condition Conundrum
2023 The Innovation Imperative
2022The Next Merger & Acquisition Tidal Wave
2021 To Succeed With Hybrid Services, Make Sure Your Digital Storefront ...
2020 ‘We Serve The Sickest Patients’
2019 Is ‘Unblackboxing’ The Key To Reducing Health Care Costs?
2018 Centene to Acquire MHM Services, Expanding Correctional Health Care...
2017 Changing Financing of Long-Term Services & Supports - A New Bus...
2016 What Are the Spending Stats on Chronic Conditions
2015 How Payment Reform and Consumerism are Reshaping Chronic Care
2015 How Payment Reform and Consumerism are Reshaping Chronic Care
This reminds me of the choices we have with eating that range from preparing our own food, buying packaged meals or eating at a restaurant.
If the steak is not cooked to our liking at a restaurant - they make amends without changing the fee (and sometimes reduce the fee.) On the other hand if I poorly prepare the steak - the supermarket is not likely to offer a refund.
So perhaps healthcare is moving from a supermarket model to a restaurant model - including the fast food option (retail?)
What is your preference for a model that our industry might adopt?
2016 What Are the Spending Stats on Chronic Conditions
How much have you spent (or has been spent by others for you) on education? How about healthcare?
Do you think this amount would vary from one person to another? What correlation if any would you anticipate?
2017 Changing Financing of Long-Term Services & Supports - A New Bus...
What business models have you experienced that result in quality results from services provided by separate entities?
2018 Centene to Acquire MHM Services, Expanding Correctional Health Care...
Under what conditions are the best services provided by an entity that defines the service, delivers the service and evaluates the effectiveness of the service?
2019 Is ‘Unblackboxing’ The Key To Reducing Health Care Costs?
What is the impact og "blackboxing" to our the training and education industry?
2020 ‘We Serve The Sickest Patients’
What is the correlation between spending on prevention and spending on remedying?
What limits are place on spending on prevention?
What does your answer imply for how we might spend more wisely on education?
2021 To Succeed With Hybrid Services, Make Sure Your Digital Storefront ...
Where do you wish to see the future of hybrid learning take us? How can this be done - better, faster, and less expensively than is being done now?
2022The Next Merger & Acquisition Tidal Wave
Why do mergers and acquisitions occur?
What is the best merger or acquisition you have experienced?
What merger or acquisition would you like to see occur? Why?
2023 The Innovation Imperative
What innovation in learning do we:
2024 The Chronic Condition Conundrum
Are there chronic conditions related to learning?
What problems just don't go away - no matter how much education we provide?
What problems change faster than we can develop education to address?
What changes have you seen regarding how we manage chronic conditions related to learning?
2025 The Changing Medicaid Landscape: Winners & Opportunities
Is it necessary to have a loser if there is to be a winner?
What changes for the good have you seen be acceptable to everyone from the beginning?
As these changes have evolved do the increase those who "win" or shift who wins?
Is it desirable and possible for everyone to win (not simply compromise?)
Are the leaders prepared to lead in this manner? Are all of us willing to follow them?
© 2025 Created by Paul Terlemezian.
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