Your Revenue Driver
2024 An Article was not received on 3/23/24
2023 Psych Beds: Too Many, Not Enough
2022 The Homelessness Imperative
2021 What Leaders Can Learn From Farmers
2020 Who’s Waiting & Why?
2019 What Tool Can Your Management Team Take From Netflix, Amazon, Lyft,...
2018 Reducing Relapse In Schizophrenia Starts With Predicting Relapse
2017 Social Impact Bonds: Small Model, Big Implications For Value-Based ...
2015 Are EHR Vendors Holding Patient Data Hostage?
Yes - they are - and the providers are holding it hostage from the patient too!
All this data that is being fought over would not exist if we did not allow our bodies to be poked and probed to allow someone else to collect the data. The solution is that the data needs to be made available to the patient also. And eventually there will be software that allows the patient to manage their own data.
We have seen this with the IRS. The IRS was using computers to manage data long before I consumers were able to gain access to tax preparation software. Now whenever a "taxable" event occurs - the consumer is provided the information and usually the IRS is provided it to. It is validated during audits.
This could apply to healthcare as well. Perhaps the consumer data could be audited as part of their annual physical or certified at other times by independent parties. In any case - the consumer has a right to the data.
I believe the same for education. The courses I took in high school, college, with employers or at my own expense are part of my education record. Access to these records should be made available to me and eventually a system will be built to allow me to manage these - this might also lead to some interesting correlations between education and job performance.
Uh oh - might this lead to sources of resistance to our access to the data? Is this part of what sunk InBloom?
2016 CEO Turnover Drives New Competency Questions
My guess is that a CEO is hired for who they are (have been) as opposed to who they aspire to become.
What opportunity is there for a CEO to change/grow in the event that they believe that a new leadership style is required based on market conditions?
How often may a CEO propose a new strategic direction for an enterprise? And is a CEO limited to proposing only those directions that they feel capable of leading? This may of course lead to conversations with the Board of Directors - who themselves seem to be in turmoil with the changes in healthcare.
Does anyone have statistics on CLO turnover?
What characteristics does a CLO need? Have these changed in the past 5 or 10 years? What is the career path for the CLO once they have reached this level?
2017 Social Impact Bonds: Small Model, Big Implications For Value-Based ...
What areas would you like to see Social Impact Bonds be applied to that are related to education, training and development?
2018 Reducing Relapse In Schizophrenia Starts With Predicting Relapse
What risks and rewards are associated with predicting the likelihood of an employee to perform successfully?
How might their success be predicted?
And if we knew - what would prevent us from making corrections that assured success?
2019 What Tool Can Your Management Team Take From Netflix, Amazon, Lyft,...
What data might we gather every day to determine how to help our employees do their jobs better?
What prevents us from implementing processes to gather and assess employee related data - other than data directly related to training?
2020 Who’s Waiting & Why?
Who determines how long someone has to wait to get the training they need or want?
How do we assure that they do not wait too long?
How do we assure that the training does not take too long?
How do we assure that the training is accurate?
2021 What Leaders Can Learn From Farmers
How can we assure that one person's 1% improvement does not create a 10% regression for another person or in another activity? What about one's 100% improvement - same question!
2022 The Homelessness Imperative
How does an employee learn how to be a great employee? How can a mediocre manager develop great employees? If successful in doing so - would it be fair to categorize the manager as mediocre?
2023 Psych Beds: Too Many, Not Enough
Which goal do you prefer to achieve the best quality outcome:
How might this thinking apply to learning?
What it we could find an innovation that improved performance outcomes and required less training? Who would devise this innovation? How would we respond to it?
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