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2015 The Value of Decision Support In The Consumer Assessment Process

A potential inhibitor to successful decision support tools for healthcare and education is the reluctance of the expert to yield their decision process. Their career has been built on accumulating knowledge, experience, insight and judgment so that they could earn a living by making better decisions more effectively than others. It may be against their own survival mindset to yield this.

Perhaps pairing their expertise with technology would appeal to the expert as a means of assuring that the patient/learner applied what the expert advised and we could further understand what it takes to create adoption?

And the 17-year lag might also motivate while mitigating personal concern for the expert.

2016 Who Is Your Chief Experience Officer?

How would you rewrite this equation - and then prove your rewrite is true?

"Satisfaction = Perceived Results - Anticipated Results"

(Please read further only if you are interested in further exploration of this topic)

How interesting to elevate the importance of the consumer by creating the CXO position. Will we also create the Chief "Get to Work on Time" Officer? I would think that getting to work on time and creating the desired customer experience are on equal footing related to who is responsible and the amount of common sense it takes to be successful! I know this is foolish rant on my part - but really - an industry is admitting that the customer experience is now suddenly important because of value-based services - offered primarily via nonprofit organizations?

So - in a moment of clear thinking -I can accept the creation of the CXO position - but only if it is temporary. I will equate it to deciding when to hire a baby-sitter and when to know that the kids are Ok on their own.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone of us delivered the same level of customer experience that we wish to receive when we are the customer? Perhaps we could call this the "Golden Rule" and file it under "Innovations Previously Created But Chosen To Be Ignored."

Perhaps more useful would be to recognize that "the experience" will vary from consumer to consumer and metrics based on averages may not produce the desired outcome. Years ago I was exposed to the customer experience equation:

Satisfaction = Perceived Results - Anticipated Results

It is intriguing that Actual Results does not appear in the equation -it is however a factor in Perceived Results.

This equation may also reveal that there are legitimate reasons for a wide range of anticipated results including how much time, money and anxiety the consumer (i.e. patient or learner) is willing to expend in order to be satisfied.

Technology and the CXO will likely produce a better understanding of this part of the equation.

2017 Perspectives On In-House Pharmacies & Mental Health

What checks and balances do we have to assure that the training we offer is the training that is needed - and optimal from an outcomes perspective?

2018 The Collision Of Food Policy & Health Care Costs

What method of feeding the hungry do you prefer - providing the food - or providing the money to buy the food - or providing a job to earn the money to buy the food?

How about education - what method do you prefer - providing the education or providing the money to buy the education or providing the motivation?

How would you assure optimal results with whatever answers you offered?

2019 The Remake Of The Corrections/Health Connection

How are we doing with our corporate PIP (performance improvement plans?)

Is it worth the effort to improve them? Or to measure the results?

2020 Everything We Need To Know About The Future Has Already Happened

How do we remain objective when trying to anticipate trends?

What is our role in helping our company's leadership make objective decisions?

2021 The Sustainability Challenge: What Can M&A Contribute?

What is the reason to assure sustainability?

What does sustainability of learning mean?

How do we assure it?

2022 Second Thoughts About Consolidation?

When is the best time to have a "second thought? Why?

How are we assuring the effectiveness of "second thoughts" while avoiding analysis paralysis?

2023 From CCBHC To Commercial Health Plan

What determines whether someone is allowed to teach?

What determines whether someone is allowed to learn?

How might we assure the best answers to these questions? What might best mean? To whom?

2025 CMS Rescinds Guidance On Medicaid, CHIP Coverage Of Health Related ...

How do you decide who pays for things related to:

  1. Your immediate family
  2. Your extended family
  3. Your friends
  4. Your community or church
  5. Your business

What factors influence your decisions?

How happy are you with your decisions?


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