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2025 Reputation Matters
2024 Opening Doors To Better Health: The Power Of Integrated Care & ...
2023 Texas Medicaid Announces Intent To Award STAR+PLUS MCO Contracts To...
2022 Who Should Do What? Scope of Practice & Treatment Tech Shift Cl...
2021 Want More Flexibility? Want Better Rates? Get The Performance Data
2020 States Test New Approaches For Justice-Involved Populations
2019 Consumers Know What They Need. Do We?
2018 The Shifting Long-Term Services Market: A Strategic Guide To Suppor...
2017 Virginia Awards Six Medicaid MLTSS Contracts For Commonwealth Coord...
2016 How Are We Spending Child Welfare Dollars
What percent of our employees perform well? How has this number changed over time? How does it compare internationally? How does it compare to our competitors? What conclusions may be drawn from your answers?
Read further only if you are particularly interested in Foster Children
The numbers need context - I searched - it appears that there are about 400,000 children in America in foster care. There are about 2,000,000 worldwide. At first glance this is shocking! We have less than 5% of the total population and nearly 20% of the foster children. As I read further I learned that we do not have very accurate numbers internationally - I can imagine this is a difficult number to measure - and that no country is "proud" to publish its number.
This seems to be a "safety net" that we need to build. It seems unlikely that we will be able to eliminate the need for the safety net - but while 400 children would still be too many - 400,000 is far too many. If I understand the expenditures correctly - $28.2B in FY12 then this is about $90 per US citizen or about $200 per taxpayer. I would eagerly add at least $200 to my payment IF I knew it was going to be used to reduce the number of children in foster care and IF that number was reduced not because of capacity issues but because there were fewer in need.
This table provides the data for FY2003 - FY2011.
How can our education system have an impact to this number (i.e. legitimately reduce it?)
This article describes some of the reasons why a child enters the foster care system (it does not offer quantification.)
Some of the reasons are directly related to parental behavior:
The child may have made choices (perhaps related to the above) as well:
2017 Virginia Awards Six Medicaid MLTSS Contracts For Commonwealth Coord...
Who would you trust to manage the coordinated long term professional development of your employees? How would you measure and reward the outcomes?
2018 The Shifting Long-Term Services Market: A Strategic Guide To Suppor...
What could be done to improve outcomes for those whose performance fails to meet expectations consistently?
2019 Consumers Know What They Need. Do We?
What do our employees know that we do not know?
2020 States Test New Approaches For Justice-Involved Populations
What is our success rate with employees that are placed on formal performance improvement plans?
2021 Want More Flexibility? Want Better Rates? Get The Performance Data
Would our clients pay for the services we offered if it was up to them to decide if were worth it or not? Would they pay extra if they really liked it a lot?
Why do we pay for meals after we have eaten? Why do we tip the server? Why do we return to the same place we have eaten before?
How might our business model adapt to assure that we know we have provided what was needed?
2022 Who Should Do What? Scope of Practice & Treatment Tech Shift Cl...
How have you seen what we expected of managers change during your career?
How have you seen what we expected of leaders change during your career?
2023 Texas Medicaid Announces Intent To Award STAR+PLUS MCO Contracts To...
What is the relationship between spending and responsibility?
How much do we spend on going out to dinner or for entertainment? Both are expenses that do not provide a financial return. With dining we even "willingly" pay more than than expected if we truly enjoyed the experience. With entertainment (e.g. sporting event or arts event) we may pay more to improve the potential but we have no impact to the result.
With learning - we seem reluctant to spend and yet we have the potential for significant return and significant involvement.
Is it the responsibility that makes the difference? If not - what is the difference?
2024 Opening Doors To Better Health: The Power Of Integrated Care & ...
What are the benefits of "No Wrong Door" Access?
What are the risks of preparing someone to find the "Right Door" faster?
Who do you trust to make this decision for you?
Who do you believe trusts you to make this decision for them?
2025 Reputation Matters
What are the "maters" that impact reputation?
When does it matter to us to validate these matters before forming an opinion regarding the reputation of another?
How would we hope that others formed their opinion of our reputation?
© 2025 Created by Paul Terlemezian.
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