Your Revenue Driver
2025 Great When It Works…
2024 CMS Unveils New Integrated Behavioral Health Model To Test A ‘No Wr...
2023 Follow The Money: The Most Read 2022 OPEN MINDS Market Updates
2022 Inclusivity = Value
2021 What Are Government Agencies Shopping For? Check Out New Contract O...
2020 Should Pharmacists Be Part Of Your Care Team?
2019 Challenges In Changing To A Culture Of Value (Or Making Any Culture...
2018 Google Suspends Addiction Treatment Referral Ads Worldwide
2017 Opioid Addiction – The Crisis, The Impact & The Responses
2015 A "New" Justice Involved Population
As I read about the large number of people in the criminal justice system and now from this article have become aware of the impact of dementia to the system (as victim and perpetrator) I wonder about a fundamental change that would create a new class of employee in America - This class would have an option to work a maximum of a 20 hour week between the ages of 65 and 75. Here are some benefits for this group:
1. The employee social security contribution would be eliminated. The employee portion would continue but the earnings would not apply to accruing incremental social security benefits.
2. Healthcare could continue either via employer provided plans or medicare.
3. Might the mental stimulation of the work delay the onset of dementia?
4. Might the additional income be used to purchase goods and services that would employ underemployed segment of the population that would help reduce crime and abuse towards those with dementia?
Would training be required to enable people to adjust to this work style and to help managers manage this work style?
What other challenges or benefits might arise? I am anticipating that this would extend careers, encourage job-sharing (either between seniors or across generations) and keep the elderly mentally and physically healthier longer.
2016 Integrated Service Delivery & Your Strategy
What might an outsider to our industry be surprised to discover about us?
2017 Opioid Addiction – The Crisis, The Impact & The Responses
What statistics do we have regarding the effectiveness of learning? What statistics are shared across all entities? What problems do you expect might be hidden because we do not have access to these statistics?
2018 Google Suspends Addiction Treatment Referral Ads Worldwide
How do we protect ourselves from "fraudulent learner brokering" or "deceptive marketing of learning practices?"
2019 Challenges In Changing To A Culture Of Value (Or Making Any Culture...
Why is it so difficult to change culture?
2020 Should Pharmacists Be Part Of Your Care Team?
Who should be part of our learning team if we wish to assure performance outcomes?
2021 What Are Government Agencies Shopping For? Check Out New Contract O...
What knowledge about your clients would allow you to adapt your services to create better value for them?
2022 Inclusivity = Value
When it comes to inclusivity - whose definition or perspective do we consider?
What is the purpose of inclusivity?
What is even better than inclusivity?
2023 Follow The Money: The Most Read 2022 OPEN MINDS Market Updates
What does Money follow? Money? Time? Resources? Reputation?
What does Time follow?
Where does knowledge follow? Peter Drucker predicted that in the Knowledge Era - Knowledge would become a currency? What impact would this have to the value associated to knowledge?
2024 CMS Unveils New Integrated Behavioral Health Model To Test A ‘No Wr...
What are the risks of a "No Wrong Door" approach?
What are the rewards?
What does it cost to determine the Right Door?
How do we minimize the risk of saving the cost of this determination?
2025 Great When It Works…
Why does technology fail to work?
© 2025 Created by Paul Terlemezian.
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