iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

All Blog Posts (13)

Why Ning?

Many thanks to Carlos Quintero for sending me a link to a recent article about Ning.


Here is what wikipedia has to say about Ning  and here is site itself http://www.ning.com


I started using Ning in April of 2009 as a result of starting to use…


Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 23, 2011 at 8:01pm — 1 Comment



Tuesday, July 13 2010

As you know, the Woman2Woman Business Group targets high profile, female professionals across all industries, promoting women in business. http://www.woman2womanbusiness.com/

Ticket price…

Added by CLAIRE BROOME on June 17, 2010 at 12:49pm — No Comments

Gartner's 'Business Process Competency Center' Needs Updating!

In 2007, Gartner wrote about how companies should start up Business Process Competency Centers (BPCC) or Centers of Excellence (CoE).

They told us that the BPCC acts as an internal consultancy and offers a “one-stop-shop” providing services to multiple business process management (BPM) initiatives that enable the enterprise to progress with BPM efforts overall. This paper gives practical guidance on how to gain adoption within your organization and deliver tangible results…..… Continue

Added by CLAIRE BROOME on March 26, 2010 at 9:10pm — 1 Comment

Accelerating Revenues Through Alliances

A long, long time ago…. (Well actually not that long ago), a relatively large telecommunications company only went to market using alliances. They were a wholesale player. That’s all changed now, now they are selling through alliances AND directly to their end enterprise customers. Begs the question, why?

If they specifically used alliances as their go to market strategy since the time of their inception, it may lead some to think they weren’t managing their alliances effectively… Continue

Added by CLAIRE BROOME on March 26, 2010 at 8:09pm — 1 Comment

iPAR MindReader Video Demo

Since we released iPAR Mindreader in November 2009, we have received a number of positive reviews from the iPhone/iPod community and I have shared these with

you. We have also begun to get testimonials from individuals who bought the

app, used it and have seen dramatic improvement in their relationships at work,

at home and in their communities.…


Added by Patrick Malone on March 12, 2010 at 10:39am — 1 Comment

Now, there’s an APP for That too!

Would you be better at connecting, influencing or inspiring other people if you could read their minds? Well now there’s an app for that!

Introducing iPAR MindReader.

Whether the setting is business, family or just everyday life, you are often seeking another person’s buy-in, support and/or cooperation. Often they don’t see things the same way and you encounter resistance. Most people will fight for, defend or push their own point of view. However the most successful… Continue

Added by Patrick Malone on November 23, 2009 at 10:55am — No Comments

GWBC - August 5, 2009 - Questions and Answers

Here's the PowerPoint File that I used to make sure I knew where I was going.

The answers to the questions below may reference specific slides in this presentation.


Here are the questions that were asked at the very beginning of the session:

1. How do you set up and evaluate an alliance?

Slide 9 - The… Continue

Added by Paul Terlemezian on August 5, 2009 at 8:56pm — No Comments

The Experts who aren't

It seems to me that we have more experts around today than at any other time in world history. A day doesn’t pass without some expert appearing on television, radio, newspapers, magazines and/or the internet to proclaim some future occurrence that will dramatically impact our lives. Some of the recent proclamations have caused me to wonder if some, most or all of these experts are nothing more than modern day version of Chicken Little. Consider the following recent events.

Census… Continue

Added by Patrick Malone on May 15, 2009 at 12:05pm — 3 Comments

Leading People for Quality Results Series

The PAR Group and PAR’s e-University are pleased to announce the second phase of the Leading People for Quality Results Series. LPQR is a series of short online educational programs that are designed to help managers and supervisors address some of the most common management challenges. For more information tak a no-charge introduction http://par-e-u.ning.com/page/leading-people-for-quality

Added by Patrick Malone on May 12, 2009 at 6:17pm — 1 Comment

Trying the "Obamaesque?"

President Obama's unique oratory has captured the imaginations of many Americans. Unfortunately, his talent has inspired speakers to try to imitate his style rather than be themselves. The results have been (you should excuse the expression) "Obamanable." Yes, his rhetoric is larger than life when addressing tens of thousands of people. But even President Obama now uses a more intimate, one-on-one, humorous, confident and personal manner during town hall meetings and press… Continue

Added by Steve Clements on May 4, 2009 at 6:17am — 1 Comment

Strategic Alliances - Not necessarily a two way street

Strategic Alliances - to me that means alliances that are intended to produce revenue for the involved entities as a result of the alliance as opposed to from each other.

Strategic Alliances can take a long time to build and then you follow that with your sales cycle - which may be long itself. And, strategic alliances are not guaranteed to succeed. So there is risk of time, money and brand.

Alliances like many other worthwhile endeavours can be a combination of art and… Continue

Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 26, 2009 at 4:31pm — No Comments

Direct Sales - What's a small company to do?

1. Develop a passion for selling. If you have it already - use it - relentlessly. If you cannot develop a passion for selling -  find out why and fix it.

2. Find a commission only sales rep! This can work but only if you have a passion for sales yourself. Please avoid the damage to your brand, your prospects and to your survival as a business if you see this primarily as a cost savings method of Direct Sales.

3. Develop and implement a sales methodology. Here is one…


Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 26, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Social Learning - Truth and Consequences

Anyone that's been patient enough to endure my ranting has heard me pose the following sequence of questions?

Do you use a GPS? (Most people admit to knowing about a GPS and many use them - especially when out of town or going someplace for the first time or a long distance)

What did you use before the GPS was invented? (Most people say MapQuest or some other form of online maps)

And what did you use before MapQuest? (Many people say they had a book…


Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 26, 2009 at 4:00pm — 10 Comments

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