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2014 Mad As A Hatter – The 2014 Version

"The expression “mad as a hatter” used to mean “crazy” – a term first used in Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine in 1829. Why? People who made hats in the 1800s had a high likelihood of aggressiveness, mood swings, and anti-social behavior. What the scientists of the day didn’t know is that the mercury compounds used in 19th century hat making caused mercury poisoning – and those behaviors were from mercury-induced nerve damage.

I thought of this medical history when I read our coverage of a recent study about schizophrenia, Genetic Research Finds Schizophrenia Is Eight Distinct Disorders. The new research has discovered that schizophrenia is not a single psychiatric disorder; rather schizophrenia is a heterogeneous group of eight disorders that cause clinical syndromes varying in symptoms and severity. While I don’t understand all of the science, what I do understand is that what we have known as “schizophrenia” is likely different disorders – which likely need different treatments."

How do avoid the same mistake with professional development? Are we likely to combine a wide variety of behaviors (perhaps 5 or more) into a single category and apply a remedy that would be the equivalent of taking multiple medications (perhaps 5 or more) to address whatever the cause might be?

Here are some examples of professional development topics:

  1. Time management
  2. Effective meetings
  3. Delegation
  4. Prospecting
  5. Customer Service

It is easier for us to combine everything we know (or wish to talk about) into one course and then expect the learner to comprehend and apply all of it? How might we diagnose and prescribe a more targeted solution?

2015 How Are Supported Employment Services Funded & Delivered?

"Supported employment provides services and supports to individuals with disabilities to gain and retain employment in a competitive integrated work environment. The main tenet behind supported employment is to find a job for consumers as quickly as possible without pre-vocational training or perquisites. An “integrated” work environment refers to an organization that employs both non-disabled and disabled workers – which is different than a sheltered workshop setting. Services that an individual might receive under supported employment include job placement, social skills training, special on the job training, and guidance and counseling."

How might we provide an experience for an employee to work in a highly successful environment so that they can more readily accept and "own" the skills that we wish for them to apply?

2016 Virginia Medicaid Negotiating With Seven Health Plans For MLTSS Con...

"...announced that it is entering the negotiations phase with seven health plans for its managed long term services and supports (MLTSS) competitive procurement (RFP 2016-01). The plans selected for negotiations are: Aetna Better Health of Virginia, Anthem HealthKeepers Plus, Humana, Magellan Complete Care of Virginia, Optima Health, United Healthcare, and Virginia Premier Health Plan. Final contract awards are anticipated by the end of the year. The initial contract term will run for five years, followed by five one-year renewal options. Five of the seven plans are . . ."

What would be the pros and cons of the following?:

  1. Issue an RFP which would result in 7 leadership training companies being offered to deliver leadership training to your company.
  2. Allow these companies to define which leaders they chose to train and how their success would be determined.
  3. Periodically meet with these companies collectively so that they can showcase their results to you and to each other

2017 The Medicaid Managed Care Market Share Numbers Are In And…

  • "Medicaid health plans (and other health plans) are seeking 'centers of excellence' for particular consumer types and embracing out-of-state clinical programs linked with telehealth to local professionals
  • 'Narrow networks' are increasingly common
  • Health insuring organizations are moving, in many markets, to a single-provider network that can serve Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial populations

What drives our innovations in learning investments?

  1. Compliance
  2. Cost savings
  3. Revenue growth

What innovations have you seen in each of these areas?

2018 ADHD Takes Center Stage

"The prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is rising dramatically—and a quick look at the headlines proves it.

What are we doing to our children?

What are the implications to the workforce from which we will be hiring shortly?

Are we willing to consider that we may be doing something wrong?

What undesired conditions in your company are moving in a direction that you would like to reverse? Are you willing to consider that you might be the problem? Please watch at least the first 4 minutes and 11 seconds of this video - https://georgialearnsnow.ning.com/video/the-new-york-times-higher-e...

2019 What Does It Cost?

What questions are more important than "What does it cost?"

How about:

  1. Will it make me successful?
  2. When will I be successful?
  3. What will I need to do to assure success?
  4. What will happen if I am not successful?

Which of these four questions plus the original question are the most important to you with your decisions?

2020 Practice + Payments: An Art Or Science?

What is the "art" of learning? What is the "science" of learning?" Also - what is the "art" and "science" of teaching? How does this reflect itself in what we do and the outcomes?

2021 If You Can’t Keep Score, You Can’t Be In The Game

Who determines what shows up on the scoreboard - and when? How do we assure that we are looking at the same scoreboard? How might looking at different scoreboards be more effective than looking at the same scoreboard?

2022 Walmart Launches 10-Year Collaboration With UnitedHealth, Starting ...

How might Walmart create value for your clients?

2023 A Formula For Retention

What might an employee do to assure that they will be retained? What promises would they be willing to make?

2024 The Dollars & Cents Of Social Supports

Which way would your rather live?

  • Using your free will well?
  • Following rules set by others?

When disagreeing with someone - how do you wish they would respond?

  • Proving their point?
  • Being open to your perspective?

How do you think they would like you to respond?


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