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2014 The Headline Says It All

"Narrow Networks Cut Costs, Not Quality, Economists Say."

"There are two issues that are raised by the narrow network phenomenon. First, does a narrow network decrease the quality of health care services? Second, will consumers pay for choice – specifically, will they pay more for a plan without a narrow network?"

"...limited provider choice does not decrease quality and the lack of consumer willingness to pay for choice.... vertical strategy is a fundamental strategy decision for the management teams of provider organizations.  Unless highly specialized with a compelling and targeted value proposition, the prospects for freestanding “unaffiliated” provider organizations will continue to diminish in many markets...."

How do the notions of:

  1. Limiting choice not limiting quality
  2. Lack of willingness to pay more for choice
  3. Poor prospects for "unaffiliated" providers

...apply to our work?

What business implications are likely to emerge? How are we preparing ourselves and others for these implications?

2015 Making Trauma-Informed Care An Operational Reality

"Executives of most organizations providing services for consumers with mental health or cognitive disabilities that would say they provide trauma-informed care. But if you are one of those executives or a health plan manager or a family member, how do you know if trauma-informed care is more than lip service? More than policies and procedures?"

Remember the story of the "Emperor's New Clothes?" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_New_Clothes

How do we avoid this for ourselves and others?

2016 TRICARE To Expand Behavioral Health Benefits

"...eliminate unnecessary quantitative and non-quantitative treatment limitations on mental health and addiction disorder benefits and expand coverage to include intensive outpatient (IOP) and opioid treatment programs (OTPs). This shift will align beneficiary cost-sharing for behavioral health benefits with the cost sharing applicable to medical/surgical benefits. The specific modifications to TRICARE coverage include: Elimination of lifetime limits for addiction disorder treatment. Addition of IOP and OTP as covered services, including opioid use disorder treatment with methadone, buprenorphine, or injectable naltrexone."

What limitations do we apply to professional development? Are there some that we could eliminate?

2017 Leadership Lesson #1 – Don’t Be Surprised!

  • “Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage” – Arie De Gues
  • “He who does not contemplate the future is destined to be overwhelmed by it” – H. G. Wells
  • To quote Frederick The Great, “It is pardonable to be defeated but never to be surprised.”

These quotes are humorous and may also contain wisdom.

Here are some quotes designed with the "Emperor's New Clothes" in Mind:

  1. Only compete against those whom you are sure you can learn faster
  2. Assume you are the future and overwhelm others with your confidence
  3. Never admit surprise or defeat

How can we assure that:

1. We are learning from those who have learned faster than us?

2. Our focus on yesterday and today does not blind us from seeing the future that is right before our eyes?

3. We remain open to the potential for being surprised by allowing our curiosity to guide us?

2018 Staff Vacancies Just Got A Little More Important & Complicated

"You can’t go to a health and human service meeting where the topic of workforce doesn’t come up. Common topics include retention of direct service professionals, the shortage of psychiatrists, tech-enabled task shifting, and paying for productivity and performance (for more, see the presentation from last week’s 2018 OPEN MINDS Executive Leadership Retreat, How To Retain & Grow Direct Support Professionals)."

"While transparency in staffing and ratings incorporating staffing functions are increasing, staffing challenges for health and human service provider organizations continue to grow. These big challenges include high turnover rates, the cost of staff vacancies, the impact of addictions on personnel, and the reductions to the foreign labor pool."

Is there a potentially adverse relationship involving correlating "transparency in staffing and ratings?"

What assumptions related to correlations are we willing to challenge?

2019 Innovation Work—Think Past, Present, Future

Do you wish to be viewed as innovative? Why?

What has the past taught you about innovation?

What are you doing today to assure that you are innovating?

What challenges to innovation do you perceive in the future?

2021 Is Your Financial Muscle Ready For The Heavy Lift?

What is the heavy lift for us?

Do we have the sales muscle? the marketing muscle?

2022 Texas District Court Decision Says Employer-Sponsored Health Plans ...

How do we objectively determine how good of a job we are doing? Is objectivity needed? worth it?

2023 The AI Trifecta

What do you think the impact of AI will be to the way we:

  1. Educate
  2. Learn
  3. Perform

What will it be 10 years from now?

What do you want it to be - now - and 10 years from now?

What answers would you have offered 10 years ago?

2024 How Much Are Executives Worth?

What makes something worth anything?

Are we only willing to pay for what we have to pay?

Where do we willingly pay more than we need to pay?

What motivates us to pay (or earn) less than what it is worth?


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