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2014 Georgia Awards Public Behavioral Health ASO Contract To ValueOptions

"...the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) announced the selection of ValueOptions, Inc. to serve as the department’s administrative services organization (ASO). ValueOptions will assist DHBDD in administering the behavioral health and developmental disability care through a wide range of services. The initial contract term ends June 30, 2015, followed seven one-year renewal periods."

What does it cost to administer an LMS? per year?

2015 Best Practice Leadership Is Leadership With Analytics

There are four stages of data maturity:

  • "Undisciplined – There is data, but the lack of an organization-wide tech strategy leads to a lot of data redundancy and a waste of both technology and human resources.
  • Reactive – There is still poor organization-wide buy-in, but there are better quality technical employees with a stronger emphasis on the process and the data produced.
  • Proactive – Management has recognized data as a “corporate asset” and data management initiatives have become common at all levels of the organization.
  • Governed – Data models are used to capture the business meaning and technical details of all corporate data elements, and the organization has adopted a “zero defects” data management policy."

Where are you and your organization with its own data?

How are you helping other organizations and your enterprise evolve?

2016 Why Execs Can’t Ignore Online Marketing Anymore – Even In Health &a...

"'the website' is often an afterthought, relegated to someone in the communications department. It’s rare that what is on the website — or who visits it and how — is the subject of any discussions in the C-suite. The website, however, is part of a broader issue that should get much more executive attention: an organization’s online presence and marketing activities. Why?"

Is this still the case?

What would you rather have - a website or an app? Both? What does the app do for your client?

2017 The CEO Compensation Divide

"This year’s survey had a few interesting takeaways—fewer executives of specialty provider organizations are planning to leave their organization than in previous years. Of those executives who are planning to leave, over half are retiring. And, the proportion of executives who believe they cannot be replaced for the same salary is on the increase."

What is the primary purpose of compensation?

  • Reward - for doing a job well
  • Retention - so you will not leave
  • Respect - to assure your basic human needs are being met
  • Recogntion - of past performance, current requirements and future expectations

Would you trade money for any of these in another form?

2018 What Medicare’s Go Forward Plan Means For Your Strategy

"What drives change in the health care system?"

  • "Recast bundled rates
  • More virtual care
  • Flat fees for office visits
  • More consumer transparency
  • More risk sharing"

What drives change in your enterprise?

2019 What Is The Future Of The CCBHC?

How do we know if our organization is properly structured to deliver its services with quality and effectiveness - efficiently?

2020 Where To Find The Money For Mission? The Portfolio Management Chall...

Do we work for survival or for purpose? How do we know? Is there a purpose other than survival?

How does this matter for those we are trying to help learn?

2021 Making Integration Work – Think Change Management

What would life be like if every change worked exactly as we wished? Why is this not possible? What innovations in mindset might make this more tolerable?

2022 You Are What You Eat

Are we - the knowledge we have consumed? How long do the effects of what we have "eaten" last? What if was something that is no longer good for "us?"

2023 The Chatbot As Clinician Challenge

Technology inevitably gains functionality and reduces cost - while broadening the potential applications - including some which are not good - either intentionally or by mistake.

Think of cameras, video for example - and deep fake video...

Competition will motivate these changes and economics will be a factor. Regulation will do its best to help.

What will be the impact of ethics?

2024 Medicare Complexity

What is the purpose of complexity? Is it necessary?

Is it possible to make something complex become simple?

To whom is it desirable? To whom is it undesirable?


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