iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

Featured Blog Posts (4)

Strategic Alliances - Not necessarily a two way street

Strategic Alliances - to me that means alliances that are intended to produce revenue for the involved entities as a result of the alliance as opposed to from each other.

Strategic Alliances can take a long time to build and then you follow that with your sales cycle - which may be long itself. And, strategic alliances are not guaranteed to succeed. So there is risk of time, money and brand.

Alliances like many other worthwhile endeavours can be a combination of art and… Continue

Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 26, 2009 at 4:31pm — No Comments

Direct Sales - What's a small company to do?

1. Develop a passion for selling. If you have it already - use it - relentlessly. If you cannot develop a passion for selling -  find out why and fix it.

2. Find a commission only sales rep! This can work but only if you have a passion for sales yourself. Please avoid the damage to your brand, your prospects and to your survival as a business if you see this primarily as a cost savings method of Direct Sales.

3. Develop and implement a sales methodology. Here is one…


Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 26, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Social Learning - Truth and Consequences

Anyone that's been patient enough to endure my ranting has heard me pose the following sequence of questions?

Do you use a GPS? (Most people admit to knowing about a GPS and many use them - especially when out of town or going someplace for the first time or a long distance)

What did you use before the GPS was invented? (Most people say MapQuest or some other form of online maps)

And what did you use before MapQuest? (Many people say they had a book…


Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 26, 2009 at 4:00pm — 10 Comments

Why Ning?

Many thanks to Carlos Quintero for sending me a link to a recent article about Ning.


Here is what wikipedia has to say about Ning  and here is site itself http://www.ning.com


I started using Ning in April of 2009 as a result of starting to use…


Added by Paul Terlemezian on April 23, 2011 at 8:01pm — 1 Comment

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