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2014 Medicare CMHC Conditions Of Participation Go Into Effect October 29...

"Medicare is preparing to implement new conditions of participation (CoPs) for community mental health center"

  • How do we determine the job skills requirements in our company?
  • How often are they revised?
  • What does it cost to objectively revise them?
  • Do they vary dramatically from company to company?
  • What would be the impact of having industry standard job descriptions?

2015 Great Executives Need Communication Skills To Bring It “All Together” 

"...the five essential traits for c-suite executives (see What To Look For In A C-Suite Executive In Health & Human Services) –

  1. they embrace change,
  2. are motivated to act,
  3. use data to drive strategy,
  4. focus on finances, and
  5. have clinical competence.
  6. While I find all five traits indispensable, I thought the list needed one more – communication skills should be on the list of core executive competencies."

How does one objectively self-assess to assure competence?

How do we externally assess to prevent leadership failures?

Does authenticity need to be on this list? Are we willing to believe that our leaders are authentic?

2016 Your Insights For Tech Management & Strategy

"Gone are the days when “technology” in health and human service organizations was limited to the billing department. Now, technology has an impact on almost every organizational function – process management, performance management, staff management, consumer service workflow management, metrics management…the list grows the longer you think about it. This has made technology management a key executive function."

With the rapid change in technology and the myriad of solutions - how do we assure technology management at every level?

Is it similar to exercise - three to five times a week - 30 minutes of high intensity technology education for executives?

2017 Changing Accounting Rules & The Shift To Value-Based Reimbursement

"the big issue is identifying how outcomes will be aligned with revenue (and revenue estimates when contracts span more than one accounting period), and demonstrating that policies, procedures, and systems are in place so that those estimates are reliable. Auditors will be digging deep into these processes when performing annual audits."

We have "always" had the challenge of the fact that investments in training may produce outcomes in a different accounting period. How might shifts in accounting standards impact investments in training?

For example:

  1. Could some investments in training be capitalized?
  2. What if outcomes were insured? (or assured?)
  3. What if training assets could be recapitalized upon certain events (e.g. M&A, right-sizing, upgrades?)

We consider these items with Property, Plant and Equipment (essential aspects of the 20th century industrial era.)

Is it time to change accounting rules related to people, process and data (essential aspects of the 21st century knowledge, decision and data era?)

2018 Social Determinants—The Next Frontier

"Social determinants of health (SDH) is a topic where there is plenty of data about the problem—and much work to do in terms of scalable solutions that are integrated with our "whole person health" approaches. Over the past few years, many of my discussions about how social factors affect health care costs have become more strategic as the data showing those connections become clearer, and I say "more strategic" because earlier in my career, many executives "knew" there was a connection, but the health care system wasn't prepared to support acting on that knowledge."

In our careers - we have known (similar) to healthcare that there were many other factors that impacted the outcomes related to investments in training. And like healthcare - we were not prepared to support acting on that knowledge. Healtchare is changing because the laws are now requiring them to do so. What do you suggest we do?

  1. Wait for the laws to change for learning investments?
  2. Learn from healthcare (like we learned from our older siblings) and avoid the battles they are fighting?
  3. Whistle in the wind?

2019 What Are Health Plans Doing About Access?

Traditionally our industry has believed in the importance of reinforcement of content as an attribute of increased learning and performance.

How does one access this reinforcement? How is it working?

What other determinants might impact learning and performance?

How does one access those determinants - and how is that working?

2020 Pivoting From Reactive To Proactive Innovation

What are the challenges associated with being proactive?

2021 Diversification Decisions In Four Steps

How do we assure that we do not "miss the forest for the trees" as we implement diversity?

2022 Keys To Managing Care For “Complex” Children

What are the complex aspects of learning?

What have we mastered regarding the potential complexity? What remains to be mastered? What have we given up on trying to master?

2023 Adaptability As Competitive Advantage

Is Adaptability valued by you, your company, your clients, employees, and providers?

How is this evidenced? sustained? optimized?

Who adapts first?

2024 The Margin Squeeze

What is the purpose of:

  • Ethics
  • Competition
  • Economics
  • Legislation

How do each of these have an impact on margins?


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