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2014 The Mountain In The Way To ACO Success

"Earlier this spring, my colleague Sarah Threnhauser made a passing reference to the “oligopolistic nature of accountable care organizations (ACOs)” which Regina Herzlinger of the Harvard Business School predicts will run afoul of anti-trust laws (see The Focused Factories Of Health Care)." 

"....ACOs still need to make sure they aren’t practicing anti-competitive activity.  What business practices will attract FTC attention?

  1. Preventing payers from steering patients to certain providers.
  2. Tying sales of the ACO’s services to the private payer’s purchase of other services from providers outside the ACO.
  3. Requiring exclusivity that discourages providers from contracting with payers outside the ACO.
  4. Restricting a payer’s ability to make available to enrollees information on cost, quality, efficiency and performance."

2015 The High Costs Of Paraprofessional Employee Turnover – Sizing Up Th...

How do we assure professional development/growth? (versus promise it?)

How do we assure support? (how do we really know that an employee feels support from their line management?)

2016 4 Ways To Retain & Grow Millennial Employees

  1. "Express The Organization’s Mission Early & Often
  2. Offer More Than Just A Salary
  3. Provide Mentors
  4. Don’t Focus Exclusively On Younger Staff"

These are 4 very good ideas.

  • Are any of them new?
  • Are they making a difference (perhaps retention would be worse if we weren't doing these?)
  • What might we do that's never been done before?
  • What is the real problem? Is there another solution aside from increased retention?

2017 Want To Be A Health Plan ‘Partner’? Answer These 5 Questions

Ask yourself five simple questions about the source of your education:

  1. What’s in it for them?
  2. How does your what you do with the education the provided enhance their business goals?
  3. Does your business model allow you to work with the provider?
  4. What is the most advantageous pricing structure/model for them and for you?
  5. Can you design a better value proposition than your competitors?"

Why would you want a valued provider to make a profit from the services they deliver to you?

2018 Planning For The Changing Dual Eligible Market Opportunity

What would be analogous to dual eligibility related to workplace learning? In other words - what other sources of payment besides the employer are available?

  1. The employee
  2. Economic Development Entities
  3. Foundations
  4. Clients
  5. Social Impact Bonds

What is our role in obtaining these alternate sources of funding?

2019 The Changing Face Of Medicaid MLTSS For The I/DD Population

How long does it take to change (improve) someone's behavior? Is knowing what to do sufficient in order to change one's behavior?

What if the time it takes and the process that it would take varies from person to person - from situation to situation? How informed are we about these variables?

2020 The Crisis Of Suicide: The Data & The Evidence

What are the high risk times for employee resignation? Here are my guesses:

  • Performance Reviews
  • Management Changes
  • Bonus Issuance

What data do we have? What actions might we take that is based on what we learned from the data?

2021 Blue Shield Of California & Walgreens Collaborate On Walgreens ...

What are the benefits of collaboration? What are the obstacles? What are the trends? What are the implications for our careers and skills?

2022 Financial Success = Culture Change

Which occurs first? What cultural change might accelerate the financial success of our organization? How might this change what our clients receive from us?

2023 Digital Health Disconnect

Digital Learning Disconnect?

What new technologies related to improving learning outcomes are emerging?

How well are we adopting these?

How are we measuring the impact of the adoption?

2024 Radical Hospitality For Addiction Treatment

What is addiction? Why does it occur? What might happen if it did not exist?


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