iFive Alliances

Your Revenue Driver

Strategic Pricing for the Training Industry

Event Details

Strategic Pricing for the Training Industry

Time: August 12, 2009 from 6pm to 8:30pm
Location: Online
Phone: 404-252-8330
Event Type: free, online, event
Organized By: Paul Terlemezian
Latest Activity: Aug 12, 2009

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Event Description

Strategic Pricingt.ppt
Commitment to Action.doc

Training companies and consultants are at risk of poor profitability from incorrectly pricing their offerings. Strategic Pricing intends to make it easier for clients to make the right decision while supporting the ability of the provider to deliver a service that meets the client's needs.

The topical outline for this workshop includes:

The Bermuda Triangle of Pricing
Establishing a Pricing Discipline
Differentiating Your Offering
After this session, the attendee will have the knowledge and resources to:

Use pricing as a strategic differentiator
Determine the price point to target
Use pricing to assure client success
Leverage the concept of "Free"
The online event is limited to 20 attendees.

Attendees will be encouraged to do, pre- and post- reading in the discussion forums, participate in online chat; conference calls and Twitter during the event.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Paul Terlemezian on August 12, 2009 at 2:58am
I look forward to your participation in the workshop tomorrow. Here are the logistical details:

1. The event will begin at 6:00 PM and will end at 8:30 PM. We will have a break from 7:00 to 7:15

2. The methods of interaction will be your choice of:
a. Conference call line (this is how I will deliver most of the content)
b. Chat via http://ifivealliances.ning.com
c. Discussion forum attached to this event – Strategic Pricing for the Training Industry – August 12, 2009.
d. Twitter via direct to me – ifivealliances or to the “world” via #stratprice

3. The PowerPoint and a handout are linked to the above description

Preparation before the event:

1. Be sure to have registered for this event by:
a. Joining the iFive Community at http://ifivealliances.ning.com
b. Clicking on this event in the calendar and indicating your intention of participating

2. If you have the interest ahead of time please read the comments in the iFive Alliances Ning Community Forum titled: The Free Content Conundrum and Training

3. Think about how to introduce yourself and to use one of the communication methods to ask at least one question about strategic pricing.

To join the event:

1. Login to http://ifivealliances.ning.com
2. Click on this event to open the discussion
3. Click on chat (lower right)
4. Dial in to the conference bridge at:

Conference Dial-in Number: (616) 597-8000
Participant Access Code: 679699#

Please call with any questions.


(404) 252-8330 (Office)
(404) 375-8411 (Cell)
Comment by Susan L. Lind, Ph.D. on August 1, 2009 at 12:03pm
Interesting and timely topic, Paul. Looking forward to the event. Sue

Attending (7)

Not Attending (1)

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