iFive Alliances

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Drucker asserts that every key activity needs to be assigned to someone who has the proven ability to perform that activity.

What do we do if the expertise does not exist within the current team?

The answer may be to build it, to buy it or to adapt in some way.

What is the role of the training organization in these decisions?

  • Certainly we have an active role in building the expertise. What role do we have to assist with buying expertise or adapting the business to existing expertise?
  • Do we have the expertise to help others decide whether to build, buy or adapt
  • Do we have the expertise to help ourselves decide whether to build, buy or adapt?
  • How would you convince another line of business to use your services to help them?
  • Under what circumstances would you use other services to help you?

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Replies to This Discussion

Do you agree that leadership and management require a different set of skills?

Do we also find and develop managers different from the way we find and develop leaders?

What metrics apply to management? to leadership? to our ability to find and develop either?


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