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Does anyone still hold an ideal that we can just live our lives as a good person and society will take care of the rest? This is not a bad ideal - I just wonder if anyone believes it?


Is it the purpose of government to make sure we can do this? Just lead your life well - get good grades in school, go to a good college, get involved in extra-curricular activities, vote, make sure you have a designated driver - go to work for a great company and stay there forever, invest wisely, raise a family with the same ideals and then retire with an income based on effective retirement planning.


Is it the purpose of your employer to do this?


What about our health? Can the government or our employer assure that we will have good health? What can we do to help them help us? What can we do if they do not help us? Who is responsible?


What about our professional skills? "Can the government or our employer.....

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I met today with Jack Bergstrand and Dorothy Peterson of Brand Velocity. BV (the official consulting arm of the Drucker Institute) has exclusive access to twelve Drucker modules (e.g. Decision Making, Planned Abandonment, People Decisions.)

Objectively and with bias I believe (is this possible) that these modules would be of value to individuals - it would help them in their careers and lives. For that reason it would also be valuable to their employers.


Is that enough? Where is there more opportunity - marketing training to individuals or to corporations? What fact-based research supports your answer?


What correlations would prove the benefit of investing in the time to learn from these modules (as an individual or as a corporation?)


As an ideal would you favor individual responsibility for individual well-being or government/employer responsibility for individual well-being.

There are likely to always be those who cannot be responsible for themselves - they are too young, too sick or perhaps have a disability that prevents them from being responsible. A safety-net is important but much like "training wheels" I would prefer the safety-net to be temporary.

How can a training business - or any business - help its clients become self-sufficient - and yet stay in business? How can a government help its citizens become self-sufficient and continue to function?


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