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How do our strengths become so?


Once we have a strength - how do we sustain it?


Is it possible that tasks and requirements require strengths that do not exist in sufficient quantities (supply is lower than demand?)


Perhaps this is the situation today with social media skills. It seems like an area of growing demand.


It is during these times that people or organizations with minimal skills can significantly improve their positions.


I believe that this can be another role for the corporate training department. The organization can be focused on understanding the business trends and determing where there is an opportunity for their company because of a skills gap in the industry. The company's abililty to fill the gap better and faster than its competitors will result in:


Increased marketshare

Increased attractiveness as a place to work

Increased profitability


Do you agree? Why not? What else is needed?

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At some point in a successful career you may be called upon to do something you have never done before? Perhaps no one has done it before? How do you know you are ready for this? How would someone else know to hire you for this? What can the training organization do to make sure the company is ready for this?


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