iFive Alliances

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Since the knowledge worker knows the most about what they need to accomplish at any point in time then it seems that they are also the one that many be the one that knows the most about what information is needed so that they may be effective.


Others are willing to provide information to the knowledge worker. Much of this information is provided in order to help the provider succeed and is well-intentioned. It may however feel like a distraction.


Here's the model that Drucker described:


Create a flat organization where the leader has so many people to manage that it is impossible for them to micro-manage or to allow people to abdicate/delegate-up their responsibility.


Each month the subordinate will write a report and for each principal task:


What was expected to happen in the previous month.

What did happen.

Why there was a difference (if in fact there was a difference.)


Then they write:


What they thought would happen in the next month

What they would do about it

What questions or comments they had about policy and the ideas they had about longer-term matters.


A full comment was written back.


As you reflect on this I am curious regarding your thoughts on:


What are the pros and cons of this management system?

What would you change to reflect current management realities?

What would be the role of the training organization in this type of management system?




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