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Drucker says that we we need to have a "habit of continuous learning." Few will argue with this.


He also opens up the questions of "quality" in learning and teaching. Many will argue about how to measure this.


But here's what got me:


"...it may not be too fanciful to anticipate that the acquisition and distribution of formal knowledge will come to occupy the place in the politics of the knowledge society that the acquisition of property and income have occupied in the two or three centuries that we have come to call the Age of Capitalism."


What would this mean to our industry?


Are we prepared? Intellectually, legally, politically, emotionally, financially? Do we have a choice?

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I don't think we are prepared - nor do I think that "we" want this to occur. We are "comfortable" and this would be too much change.


How do you think the people who made a living in the agricultural society of the 1700's and 1800's in the U.S. would view today's realities of:


1. Microwave ovens

2. Fast food restaurants

3. Super Markets

4. Frozen foods


We still have farmers' markets but my educated guess is that each of us comes into much more regular contact with the above 4 items than we do a farmers' market and that the "demise" of the farmers' market would have little impact to our lives (compared especially to the above 4 items.)


The acuisition and distribution of food has shifted from the farmer to other (and new) segments of our society. Along with the shift came a shift in wealth and influence. Arable acres and cows were replaced in importance by "Location, location, location" and technology.


1. Microwave ovens (Search Engines)

2. Fast food restaurants (Social learning)

3. Super Markets (Corporate Universities)

4. Frozen foods (on-demand archived learning via an LMS)


Which of these food innovations is most likely to be of less importance in the future? Is that also true of the parenthetical reference to the training/learning innovation?



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