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2014 Feds Award States More Than $106 Million For Home Visiting Programs

"On August 4, 2014, the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) awarded $106.7 million in federal fiscal year 2014 grants for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program to 46 states, the District of Columbia, and five other jurisdictions."

What outcomes were expected? What outcomes have we seen? How is this reported? How is the report validated?

This discussion group was launched because I became aware of Open Minds via Quality Assist. Quality Assist made aware of Open Minds because they were doing work for the state of Iowa related to this grant.

2015 Wrestling With The Long-Term Strategic Implications of Health Care ...

I wonder why this has to be such a political matter? Education too - does it really need to be political?

My concern is that both have become political because they are effective means of extracting taxes (whether or not the problem gets addressed.) Drucker had useful things to say as well - please read 29 June in "The Daily Drucker" - here is a link that introduces the Drucker discussion group to this group - http://ifivealliances.ning.com/group/druckerknowledgeworkersandtrai...

And while nonprofits may be better suited than the government - I am learning from Open Minds about the struggles that nonprofits have as well.

Is there potential for nonprofits and for profits to collaborate to solve social issues - and leave politics out but let government provide oversight?

2016 First, You Need The Vision

"Strategic planning is worthless – unless there is first a strategic vision. – John Naisbitt

What will your organization look like five years from now? The answer probably depends on whether your market is changing in a slow, steady, evolutionary way – or whether a paradigm shift is in your future. If the answer is the latter, you need to think about a new vision for the future of your organization."

What are we doing differently now than 5 years ago?

What would you like us to be doing differently now?

What would you like us to be doing differently 5 years from now?

2017 Do DSRIP Programs Predict The Future Of Behavioral Health Value-Bas...

"DSRIPs........pay provider organizations and hospitals for meeting milestones related to delivery system reform projects they implemented."

How might we collaborate with similar payment methods - internally or externally?

What are the risks? the benefits? What would it take to even consider this?

2018 Tech Management As Executive Competency

"Technology is now critical to the strategy of health and human service organizations—both managing the analytics derived from tech-enabled systems and embedding technology in the service delivery process. Because it is critical to strategy, it is also a critical executive competency—just not one that most executives in the field are prepared for, either by education or by experience."

How would you define technology management as an executive competency?

Is it a mindset towards technology? or an awareness of the tools? or the skills to use the tools?

How are you assuring your competency - now and in the future?

2019 Managing Your Team To ‘Tech Savvy’

"There is a big gap, however, between the initial process of selecting and purchasing the technology and the challenge of implementing and then optimizing it to improve organizational operations and market competitiveness. Optimization is a function of both planning and staffing."

  • "Eyes on the Future
  • Educate
  • Encourage
  • Excite
  • Evaluate
  • Empower"

How are you using technology to increase tech savviness?

  1. To build content
  2. To deliver content
  3. To assure performance outcomes for the learner
  4. To reduce what the learner needs to learn by using a technology to to do the task

2020 No Housing, No Health: Why Payers Are Shifting The Paradigm

What aspects outside the "classroom" impact the learner's ability to perform on the job that we need to consider for investment on our part to assure better learning outcomes?

2021 Managing Long Haul Burnout

How might we shift our attention from focusing on retention (which is not always aligned with employee interests) to the avoidance of burnout? Why might an employee desire to feel burnt out?

2022 Hackers Have You In Their Sights

Why do hackers hack? What might cause them to stop on their own?

Why do learners learn? What might cause them to learn on their own?

2023 Taking Something Great On The Road

What might motivate us to assure our client's success without our direct intervention?

Would we like doctors, lawyers, and accountants to think this way? How about educators?

2024 Autism Next Steps

What is more likely?

  • We have enough resources to solve every challenge imaginable
  • Even if we thought we did - new challenges would emerge from our solutions
  • There are never enough resources to solve every challenge

Which of these do you wish were true?

How are you proving what you chose - to yourself?


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