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I wonder if the letter "z" is jealous of the letter "a?"


A is at the beginning, it is sought after by students, companies use it repeatedly at the beginning of their names so they can be listed ahead of all their competion - it's a vowel and a symbol of strength - it puts no one to sleep!


On the other hand, I wonder if the letter "a" is jealous of the letter "z?"


Z is rare, it can be used to differentiate a name - there is a certain Zing to its sound and Zorro made if famous.


The point of this silliness is to make an analogy to support the concept of "The New Pluralism."


Each letter of the alphabet does little by itself - but in collaboration with others it has a role in the best novels, sermons, speeches and actions of humanity. Imagine if the inventor of the letter "a" were able to collect royalties everytime the letter was used! My giess is that we would have used a different letter and "a" would only appear in expensive joked or lawsuits. A "z" may try to be an "a" but it is better off being a great Z - look at all the different fonts that exist - there are some very unique "Z''s and useful applications of its talents.


So in reality - each letter is vital - it is very secure in its importance independent of its "stack" ranking in terms of usage or alphabetical listing.


So it is with each worker - each has a vital role - and need not try to imitate others  - the ambition is rather to be the best at what they are - maintain their strenghs and adaptability - be ready to perform when needed.


What role do you see for the training industry with this New Pluralism?

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