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2016 New Analysis Finds More Than Half Of Foster Children Enrolled In Me...

How can we fairly shift the cost of learning to the value of the desired outcome rather than the cost of delivery?

2015 Just Say No

If I understand Monica's point correctly - she is stating that we have underfunded social services because we "could" and because the funding was supplemented by charitable organizations. The recent challenges seen in Georgia related to privatization of Foster Care (as a pilot) made the underfunding apparent. I have sent an email to several people that I believe have better insight on this than me and am eager to learn from them.

In regards to learning in the corporate world - I wonder if it is underfunded or misfunded or properly funded? Clearly "it is what it is" - my concern stems from anecdotal stories from third party public training providers who state that the attendees who pay for classes themselves (vs. those whose attendance is paid for by their employer) are much better students.

Does the effort we make to benefit from "something" have anything to do with how the "something" is being paid for?

What new payment models in corporate learning would your answer see as positive models?

2017 SAMHSA Updates 42 CFR Rules, Addiction Treatment Records Still Regu...

Does "training" have a stigma attached to it too? Professional sports mandates participation in training and there is positive association to those who voluntarily do extra training. How might we create a similar respect for training in the business world?

2018 Do You Have The Right Data Security ‘Attitude’?

What "more" besides training is needed to have the right data security attitude?

Are we willing to be accountable for more than training?

2019 Don’t Overlook Culture For Success In Merging Organizations

Is there any proof that paying attention to culture increases the success of mergers?

What if both cultures were good to begin with? Might the merger upset one or both?

What if one or both cultures were not good? Might the merger be the "culture shock" that was needed?

How can we be assured that when we pay attention to culture - we do so effectively?

2020 From Landscape To Action – The Most Popular 2019 OPEN MINDS Resources

What is the best question someone has ever asked you?

2021 Innovation For Survival

If you could chose - would you work for survival or work for purpose?

If you could choose - would you choose to imitate or to innovate?

How are your answers reflected in how you learn or how you teach?

2022 Nimble Is Necessary
How have we increased or limited our ability to be nimble?

How have we increased or limited the ability of our clients to be nimble?

What is more attractive to you - being more nimble or being less nimble?

2023 VA Expands Access To Private Sector For Veterans In Suicidal Crisis

When it comes to crisis intervention - what is better - arriving too soon or arriving too late?

How do we prove that what we did averted a crisis (that did not happen?)

2024 Time Triage

How much of your time do you spend working on things you were not planning to work on?

Are you getting better at it?

What do you like doing but recognize that it does not work well?

What do you not like doing but recognize that it does work well?

2025 Keeping Ahead Of The Crowd

  • What is a crowd?
  • Why does it form?
  • Who leads it?
  • Who determines where it is headed?
  • Does it always head in the right direction? Right away? Just in time? Too late? Never?
  • What position do you favor - ahead, behind, in the middle, above, opposed, ambivalent?
  • Why?


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