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Is it desireable to teach and motivate others to innovate without being innovative?
Drucker asserts that a core competency of every organization is innovation.
Is innovation an absolute measure or a relative measure?
I believe it is a relative measure that implicitly includes the words (more successful than the competition.) In other words can innovation that is less successful than the innovation of your competitors still be considered innovation?
What if an entire industry is considered innovative? Would virtually any company in an innovative industry gain some level of perceived success? At some point the buyer learns to distinguish the true innovators from those merely claiming the title!
How is the training industry perceived? How should it be perceived? How could it be measured?
Here's a definition of innovation from Wikipedia
Here's a definition of innovation from encyclopedia Brittanica
Make what you will of these choices and definitions. Which do you consider to be more innovative- Wikipedia or encyclopedia Brittanica? Have their innovations influenced each other?
2018 - This morning I had breakfast with Ed Flynn (thank you Ed.)
Ed is building on his career in technology and workplace learning with a focus on residential real estate. He has the potential to accelerate innovation in residential real estate as he innovates.
Ed - what are you willing to share regarding your experience with innovation in residential real estate?
2020 has been a revealing year - personally and professionally and culturally.
While many of us (for many years) have been asserting self-confidence in our leadership and innovation - not many (if any) are willing to claim our role with the results we are experiencing in 2020.
Now it becomes even more revealing as leadership and innovation are needed – perhaps more than ever for many of us:
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