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We are conditioned to be "well-rounded" and this is probably a good thing but perhaps not a great thing. In professional sports the best players are mediocre "at best" when playing a position that is not the one of their strength. The classic utility player is adequate at many jobs but not considered strong enough to be the best choice for the team at any given position.


In the training world we have been conditioned to expect that the instructor will cover the entire course - especially if it requires delivery in person away from their home site.


Technology allows for different solutions even for live instructor led training.


What innovations and attitudes would be required in order for the best instructor for the particular topic (instead of the traditional model of one instructor for the entire course) to be used on a topic-by-topic basis throughout a course?

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Drawing from my personal experience, or what I fondly refer to as my foxhole, we can observe that instructors, with their unique motivations despite sharing common values, contribute to a vibrant and multifaceted learning atmosphere. This diversity adds depth and variety to our educational journey. Embracing and appreciating these distinctions allows for a more individualized and comprehensive learning experience, tailored to the specific needs and interests of each student.


What I heard from your response is that you value the instructors that bring out the best from within the participants. This assures value for all while also allowing each class to be unique - for the learner as well as the teacher!

Folden Peterson, aka Pete said:

Drawing from my personal experience, or what I fondly refer to as my foxhole, we can observe that instructors, with their unique motivations despite sharing common values, contribute to a vibrant and multifaceted learning atmosphere. This diversity adds depth and variety to our educational journey. Embracing and appreciating these distinctions allows for a more individualized and comprehensive learning experience, tailored to the specific needs and interests of each student.



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